Model panel

After you’ve loaded a model you will see it on a build plate placed at the build plate center. You can select a model by double clicking on it. Double click on empty space will deselect a model. Double clicking on a part calls model panel.

Model panel
  • To delete a part from a build plate press a  delete button.
  • To move a model on build plate surface simply press a move button on the model panel. After that you can simply drag an arrows to shift a part along X and Y axes. Or you can manualy specify X and Y offsets in corresponding textboxes which are located at the bottom of a main window. After a part is placed as needed, press Apply or Enter button to finish movement. Or press Cancel or Esc to cancel movement.
  • To rotate a part around it’s center press a rotate button on the model panel. After that you can simply rotate a model using an object manupulator. Or you can manualy specify angles in correstponding textboxes which are located at bottom of a main window. Press Apply or Enter button to finish rotation. Press Cancel or Esc to cancel rotation. After you’ve finished rotation a part will be placed again on a build plate.
  • To resize a part you can press a resize button on the model panel. After that you can input scale values in corresponding textboxes. Press Apply or Enter to finish resizing or click Cancel or Esc to cancel resizing.
  • To clone a part you can press a clone button on the model panel. After that a new part will be created and placed in the build plate center.
  • To set layer structure scheme press a set layer structure button.

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