The start G-code is the code which is executed at the start of print process.
Category: Aura
Z-lift on tool change (mm)
The Z-lift on tool change is the height at which a print head raises for tool change.

Additional retract length (mm)
The additional retract length is the additional length of plastic reverse movement in a feeder which will be added to the retract length value for used plastics. Use this parameter if your printer has bowden tube for plastic feeding, because in this case retraction inertia may appear.

Has heated build plate
The has heated table flag is the flag which indicates if a printer has heatable table.

Regular acceleartion (mm/sec²)
The regular jerk is the jerk which is used for all printing areas except an external shell. It has affect on travels and moves with extrusion.
External shell jerk (mm/sec)
The external shell jerk is the jerk value which is used only for external shell printing. It has affect on travels and moves without extrusion.

Enable jerk control
The enable jerk control is the flag of manual control over jerks.
Regular acceleartion (mm/sec²)
The regular acceleration is the acceleration which is used for all printing areas except an external shell. It has affect on travels and moves with extrusions.
External shell acceleration (mm/sec²)
The external shell acceleration is the acceleration which is used only for external shell printing. It has affect on travels and moves with extrusion.

Enable acceleration control
The enable acceleration control is the flag of manual control over acceleartions.