In case of a problem with Z or offsets calibration, it is necessary to check the EEPROM. Operating procedure will be:

  1. Open settings page
  2. Change any parameter to any value , for example, Z offset to 0, and press OK
  3. Turn off the printer for a minute and turn it back on.
  4. Check the changed value, it should match the entered.

Heater faild

In the case when Сomposer fails to heat one of the extruders, it will gives “Heater failed” error.

To identify the cause of the error, you need to check the heaters. Operating procedure will be:

If the measured resistance is close to the correct (10-12 Om), it’s means that the temperature sensor works good. You will need to contact your local distributor or write us on


To extend the service life of the Composer CFC Printer, the mechanical parts of the product must be serviced periodically. The
service includes lubrication of moving nodes: guides of X, Y, Z-axes, Z-axis screw and plastic extruder. The delivery package includes
two types of lubricants: for the plastic nozzle and guide axes. lubrication of mechanical parts of the printer is recommended at least
once every six months.

Buildplate calibration

You may need to go through calibration procedure every time you replace a nozzle or after any other changes affecting relative positioning of the printhead and the buildplate, e.g. shaking or moving the printer. While printing a large part occupying the whole buildplate area, you can notice layer thickness varies from one end of the part to another, which as well means the buildplate requires recalibration.


It’s highly recommended to preheat plastic nozzle before calibration as described here.

To start calibration, on the main screen press Maintenance. Choose Calibrate > Buildplate. Follow instructions. First, you will be asked to set the plastic nozzle in approximately 1 mm from the buildplate. The first of 3 points is to be set through the calibration menu, and the left and right corners are tuned manually by adjusting the regulation screws. Second, the procedure is to be repeated for fine tuning, this time using a sheet of an office paper to set the lowest possible gap between the nozzle and the buildplate. The paper must be sliding in the gap with a slight friction. Setting insufficiently low gap will lead to failed prints and printer malfunction.

It is recommended to calibrate Z axis right after buildplate calibration.

Plastic nozzle replacement

Follow the steps below to replace the plastic nozzle.

  • Using the 2mm hex key from Tool Kit loosen the side screws of fan bracket. Remove the fan bracket carefully, fan bracket stays hang on wires.
  • Heat the plastic extruder up to 200C°
  • Using the 7 mm socket wrench unscrew the plastic nozzle from the plastic extruder – turn it clockwise, do not use too much force to avoid damage of the composite nozzle
  • Clean or replace the nozzle.


All extruder parts can be hot!

Plastic nozzle clearing

To clean plastic nozzle, follow the next simple steps:

  • Heat composite extruder up to 250C°.
  • Clean the nozzle with cleaning needle from tool kit or you can use any stiff steel wire with 0.35 diameter.
  • To finish the clearing procedure, feed about 50mm of plastic to the extruder.


All extruder part can be hot!

Composer firmware update

The latest Composer firmware can be downloaded here.

To update printer firmware you can use Anisoprint Aura. Install and launch Aura.

If you connect Composer to your PC for the first time you may need to install the USB driver. To install the driver unzip the archive and run dpinst-amd64.exe if you have 64-bit OS or dpinst-x86.exe if you have 32-bit OS.

Connect the printer to the PC by USB cable. In Aura main menu open Tools > Composer firmware update.

Composer firmware update tool in Aura

In Composer firmware update tool:

  1. In Port list select the COM port of Composer. If you connected Composer to your PC for the first time, it will usually be the last one. If the list is empty or you can’t connect to printer using any listed port, make sure, that you have installed SUB driver mentioned above.
  2. Click on “…” button near Path field and select Composer firmware file.
  3. Press Upload button. 
  4. Wait until all lines including the last “Success” button become green.


Do not disconnect or turn off your printer during firmware update process.

Z axis calibration

The distance between buildplate and plastic nozzle tip is quite an important parameter affecting the quality of your prints. If it seems that plastic layers are too thin or too thick, nozzle tip scratches buildplate or previous layers or the quality of vertical walls of your model is insufficient due to improper plastic layup, try this procedure.

Press Maintenance > Calibrate > Z axis and follow the instructions. You will be asked to use a thin paper sheet to fine tune the gap between the nozzle tip and the buildplate.

Print any code to verify the results of the calibration, paying attention to brim and first layer layup.

Load/unload materials

Composer A4 uses three spool: two of them are common 3D printing filament plastics, and the third one is Anisoprint Fiber.

To load or unload a material you need to press Maintenance > Materials and choose a material spool you want to operate with. Choose load or unload an follow the automatic procedure instructions.

For every material, an extruder must be heated before operation. You can preheat the extruders to speedup the proccess.

The load/unload procedure is split into three steps: on the first step a feeder captures filament and you confirm it through the menu. On the second, stepper motor works at high rate, pushing material to extruder. On the third step, filament is gently transferred to hotend on a lower speed, and you need to confirm the material comes out of the nozzle.

For composite fiber there is a 4th step – you need to remove the cut fiber out of the nozzle using tweezers.

In some cases you might want to just move a material in/out of an extruder. In this case use Movement option as described here.

Another trick is a manual unload of plastic filament. When extruder is heated enough to release the filament inside, just release the clamp of the feeder and pull the filament out.

Heating and cooling extruders

On the Main Screen, press the extruder you want to heat and set the desired temperature using the arrows as shown below. Press Set button to start the heating proccess.


The extruders and other parts of the printhead can be extremely hot!

Usually, the value you choose is the work temperature of the loaded plastic.

The Auto button allows you to choose the last temperature used for this extruder. Press Set to start heating.

The Cool button sets the room temperature for this extruder.